How to Court Women from Foreign Cultures
This is what the movies have taught us. After decades of watching romantic comedies in front of our screens, we believe we know everything about impressing a woman. It led us to a false belief that giving her at least one of these is likely to make her say yes.
But in truth, gift-giving is still far from actual courtship.
How the Term Came to Be
Courtship is the traditional term for dating.
Back in the days of European aristocracy, men courted women to get to know them better, to see if they are fit for marriage.
They called it “courting” as it used to take place in the courts of noble people, like the queen or king.
Back then, courtship meant getting to know a potential match. Now it has evolved to include the act of showing care and devotion towards the person you are romantically interested in.
Preparing for Courtship
When you court a woman, the possibility of marriage will always be on your mind. And marriage is a big commitment. That’s why you need to be well-prepared before you embark on the courting process.
Keep these things in mind:
- Courtship is different from dating. The former focuses entirely on serious commitments, with relationship and marriage as a goal. By contrast, the latter often refers to casual romantic relationships between men and women, with little to no expectations of marriage.
- Make sure you’re ready. If you think and feel otherwise, take a step back and reconsider. Only court a woman if you’ve firmly decided that she’s the woman you want to be with for the rest of your life.
- Learn and understand the benefits. Before you commit yourself to court a foreign woman, know what’s in it for you, as this will serve as your greatest motivation. What is it about her that love?
- Get to know her in a casual context. You have to be friends first before you get to be in a relationship. Build a connection first instead of a serious relationship right away.
- Know about the people closest to her. It’s helpful to know whether they’d be the kind of family you’d want to marry into.
Courting Foreign Women
One of the greatest challenges of courting a foreign woman is dealing with cultural differences. It may sound complicated, but as long as you know all about respect and how to show it, you’ll do just fine.
Here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind:
- Be direct.
Before you formally court her, let her know your plans and intentions. Tell her your expectations — what you want to achieve after the process — and ask her to do the same. Make sure you’re certain that you’re on the same page.
2. Ask for her family’s permission.
This may not apply to all cultures. But for those that do, acknowledging a woman’s family speaks volumes about your character as a man. This helps them trust you with their daughter more and makes them more likely to approve of you.
3. Get to know her.
One of the primary goals of courtship is getting to know a potential partner. During the process, you need to go on dates, have meaningful conversations, know each other’s friends, and plan about your future.
4. Sweep her off her feet.
You want her to say yes, so you have to constantly woo her by treating her with sincerity and respect. Show her your genuine emotions and what you’re willing to put up with just to be with her. Most importantly, practice proper communication. Women appreciate men who can express themselves effectively.
5. Create healthy and realistic boundaries.
One of the keys to having a successful and fulfilling relationship is setting healthy boundaries. With boundaries in place, you’ll know which things are okay and which things to avoid doing. Consequently, it will make the people in the relationship feel safe, respected, and well-taken care of.
6. Talk to her.
You don’t know everything that’s on her mind, whether she’s on board with how your relationship is progressing or not. Find out by talking to her. Have a one-on-one deep talk about your relationship goals.
What Not to Do during Courtship
You’re placing a lot on the line when you’re courting a woman. Regardless of what the future holds, you’re still willing to invest time and effort. Though the possibility of rejection is always there, you’re brave enough to know this and carry on.
If you want to lessen the possibility of rejection, below are some things you should avoid doing when courting a woman:
- Don’t cheat on her.
- Don’t ignore her feelings.
- Don’t make her doubt your intentions and sincerity.
- Don’t be violent and disrespectful.
- Don’t think that sex is necessary for building intimacy.
- Don’t be insensitive about the differences in your culture.
- Don’t be rude about her beliefs and traditions.
- Don’t close your mind about embracing a whole new culture.
- Don’t underestimate the importance of communication.
The Possibility of Marriage
Sometimes, you just hit it off with the wrong person.
Things went so well between the two of you that you thought of her as your future wife, but all of a sudden, she wanted out.
When you court a woman, it’s crucial to talk about marriage. It lets you decide if your relationship aligns with your goal and whether you should pursue her or not.
But how do you decide if she’s suitable for marriage? Here’s what you should do:
- Know and talk about your own future goals. This includes your career, financial stability, and your plans for your own family.
- Consider your financial status. Marriage is a life-changing decision, and you both have to be financially ready to be able to deal with problems that come your way.
- Gauge your compatibility. If it feels like you’re better off as friends because you can’t seem to agree about a single thing, don’t disregard it. Sometimes, you can be in a relationship with someone you’re not compatible with. So make sure you don’t marry the wrong one.
- Ask her family. Again, this may not necessarily apply to all cultures, but marriage isn’t something you decide on your own.
Courtship and dating go together. Both are necessary for you to find the woman who can make your dreams a reality.
It doesn’t matter if she’s a foreign woman. What matters is how you earn her heart, love, and trust.
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