Having an Emotionally Available Partner Makes Love So Easy
Wouldn’t it be great if your relationship wasn’t on thin ice all the time?
Dealing with an emotionally unavailable partner is never easy. Though you may gain wisdom from the trials that you face, it’s hard to erase the pain and heartache that you go through.
If you want a better kind of relationship, go for someone who is emotionally available.
Now, what does being emotionally available mean?
Emotional availability is the ability of a person to be open to connect and share their feelings without reservations. The more emotionally available you are, the easier it is for you to build an emotional bond with someone else.
When you have that in a relationship, you don’t have to constantly worry about whether you are doing things right or wrong. You are comfortable enough to relay your thoughts and emotions to each other without any fear of judgment.
There are many other perks of having an emotionally available partner. To name a few:
1. Your plans flow smoothly
An emotionally available partner sticks to whatever plan you agreed to. When they make promises, they intend to keep them.
It’s unbelievably easy for you to make plans and stick with them because of how consistent they are with their words and actions.
You never have to wait a bit later than your agreed time. You can rely on them to always be punctual.
2. You can easily communicate with each other
An emotionally available partner is never one to shy away from their feelings. They make their feelings known whenever the need arises.
If there is something bothering them, they will tell you. But they won’t leave it to you to help them. They want to be able to deal with their own problems themselves.
This helps draw the boundary between you as a couple and as individuals. Though there are times that they need to rely on your support, they would never be too excessive to the point of codependency.
3. You feel like yourself around them
Your partner has no qualms about the things that make you uniquely you. In fact, they embrace it.
They see this as a sign of your trust. Your partner returns the favor by unapologetically being themselves as well.
You and your partner have this little safe space where you can freely be yourselves around each other, with no judgment whatsoever.
4. You deal with things maturely
Arguments in a relationship often result in heated exchanges and hurtful words. But when you are an emotionally available person, you try to avoid intentionally hurting your partner in the midst of a fight.
When your partner does something wrong, your first reaction is not to get mad at them. Instead, you get inquisitive.
There are times when your flaws get in each other’s way, and you both try to acknowledge the negative part of yourself that needs to change.
You try to ask them about it and see what can be done to fix things. Though there are times when feelings get in the way, you both try to be logical and fair to each other.
Emotional Availability: A Trait You Should Always Look for in a Partner
Many people determine their desire for a relationship through shallow factors such as wealth and looks. If you’re not careful, you may end up crying to your best friend for comfort.
If you want real love, go for someone who is emotionally available instead. You’ll thank yourself for doing so in the long run.