What Men Who Claim “I Love Latinas” Need to Know
I love Latinas. That’s a phrase many men have said at some point in their lives. Then again, what’s not to love about them? Latinas are beautiful and passionate. So much so, that those are probably the first attributes that come to mind for those who claim to love them so.
However, there is a lot more to Latinas than just their beauty and passion.
It’s easy to love people for any external trait that is even remotely attractive. Yet, to say that you truly love someone, you must look beyond the surface.
Men who claim to love Latinas but do not know them have to immerse themselves past that level if they want their words to bear any significant weight. Here are some hard truths that every single one of them needs to learn:
Family Is Vital
She may not necessarily come from a large family, as the stereotype goes, but what family she has will be quite important to her.
You will meet them and it will be imperative that you learn to get along with them. It reaches the point where many say that dating a latina woman means dating the rest of her family. It may not be literal, but their tight knit bond will definitely be felt.
Culture In Spades
Those who aren’t too knowledgeable or experienced in dealing with Latin culture may get a bit lost at times when they finally meet or date a Latina.
The truth is, there are a lot of nuances depending on who you are dealing with. Mexican culture will have differences when you compare it to Costa Rican culture, for example. If you can’t tell the difference, then you need to brush up on your knowledge fast.
On the topic of culture, there’s also the language for you to learn . . . or not learn. For sure, many Latinas will speak Spanish and it will be important for you to get with the program. However, there are those who don’t speak a lick of it, which is sure to come as a surprise.
The Passion Is Diverse
Sometimes, it is exactly in the way that you think. Sometimes, it isn’t. What men who like Latinas can expect is that the ones they date will be devoted, supportive, and more or less ride or die with those they choose to be with.
What they may not be able to expect is whether or not every other part of that stereotype applies to the individual. Many women, for example, will be as sensual as expected, but just as many won’t be.
Leave your stereotypes and misconceptions at the door. Latinas as a whole, and as individuals, are far more nuanced than what comes to mind for many men. If you claim to love Latinas and you intend to take that love a step further, then you’ve got work to do.
“I love Latinas” should be more than just a verbal assertion of preference. If that is all it is, then your destiny isn’t a long, fulfilling life with a gorgeous Latin woman. Your destiny would be failure.