Why You Should Write a Love Email for Her

Zarita Andrada
3 min readApr 1, 2024
A man typing on his laptop
Photo by: Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

The classics never die and neither will letter writing. In this day and age, women still swoon over letters and notes expressing a suitor’s truest feelings for them. Although the tried-and-true ink on paper method still works for those who want to write for their special lady, they can also give writing a love email for her a shot.

Skeptics may point out that there are better and more modern alternatives to emailing. Those same people may say that even handwritten notes would be preferable. Yet, there are reasons why email can work just as well as any other medium out there. Let’s proceed by outlining those reasons:

Few People Expect It

In a world where people can text, chat, and video call at will, why bother with emails? As far as technology goes, it seems fairly boring by comparison. Well, it’s worth pointing out that this is a medium where few people will ever expect to receive love messages from.

Your lady may be busy or bored at work when she gets a surprising item in her inbox. Instead of that update from her boss or a subordinate, it turns out to be a carefully-crafted love email. Wouldn’t that just make her morning?

Email Can Almost Be Considered Retro

Going back to the point made earlier, with so many newer alternatives out there, using email to send love letters can seem like a let down because it’s practically passé outside of work. Yet, what is old can be new once again.

Trends can be cyclical. Those with a tendency to romanticize the past may find it cute that you’re using email to woo someone. It’s just like how traditional letter writing is still held in high regard because of how long people have been doing it, love emails can now be seen in a similar light.

Email Comes With Far More Features

Sure, you can sketch on your handwritten letters if you want to, but the quality of pictures you can attach to a love email is sure to blow those out of the water. And we’re not even going to touch on the subject of gifs while we’re at it.

Let yourself have a little fun with this tech. If you and your partner share the same sense of humor, then you can both be in on the quirky jokes that your love email can lean into. Attach videos if you want. Perhaps even voice recordings. Anything to make your letter even more interesting than it already is.

In the End, It’s About the Sentiment

Whether you’re sending flowers, writing letters, using paper, or writing emails, most of those things are just details. They only serve to communicate the heart of the matter, which is how much you care for their recipient.

Remember that symbols of love are interchangeable, but the nature of love itself never changes. As long as the person writing the love email remains sincere and creative with the way he uses his words, there’s little doubt that his letter still has a good chance to be well-received.

Letter-writing will never go out of style, even if it happens to be done in digital form. So, for those itching to give it a shot, you can go ahead without fear. It’s a near-guarantee that your partner will love any sincere romantic gesture you offer, so a love email for her shouldn’t be any kind of issue.



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