Male Physical Features Women Can’t Resist
Let’s get something straight here. Looks won’t help you have a long, healthy relationship, nor will it prevent your partner from cheating.
But it does matter more than you’ll ever admit. Physical features play a crucial role at the beginning stages, when you’re just starting to get to know each other.
There are physical features in men that women find more attractive than others. And men who possess these features have a greater chance of securing their attention and phone number.
It isn’t just physical attraction though. Some of these physical features hint at other deeper, desirable features like trustworthiness and maturity.
If you have any of these physical attributes, you may want to bring them to the fore when out dating women:
1. Height
Women almost always favor tall men. Tallness is normally associated with masculinity and good posture.
Women feel that tall men can protect them better than short men. In fact, a study says that women prefer men that are eight (8) inches taller than them. And men are aware of this because most men on dating sites, especially the shorter ones, lie about their height.
Men on average are taller than women, thus women towering over their boyfriends is unusual and atypical of most heterosexual relationships.
2. Serious face
You may think women are more attracted to smiling men. But a recent study proves the opposite.
Apparently, women like men who don’t smile often but maintain a calm, composed face. These types of men don’t feel threatened by their surroundings so they don’t talk a lot nor do they smile unnecessarily or without reason.
Women find these confident, stern-faced men cool and sexy.
3. Nice teeth
Just because women find the more serious face attractive doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate you showing off your pearly whites. And when you do, they expect you to have a good set of teeth.
Your teeth say a lot about your hygiene. So, if you want women to gush over you, it’s worth spending some money to get those crooked teeth fixed.
4. Stubble
While most women find clean-cut men attractive, most of them vote against a clean shave. Apparently, they like men who retain facial hair. They also prefer a bit of stubble to a full beard.
Growing a short beard also creates the illusion of having a prominent jawline, which the ladies also like. Somehow, they associate light facial hair or stubble with manliness and maturity.
5. Muscles
Muscles attract women because it shows a man is fit and healthy. These women also understand that your toned, muscular body is a result of hard work and discipline.
They also think muscular men make better protectors, giving them the feeling of security. Not only do muscles look good on men, but they’re also an assurance of protection when danger threatens.
6. Style
Women don’t necessarily look at price tags and brands. In fact, tacky men obsessed with designer brands don’t appeal to them. What they find attractive are men who carry their style with confidence.
It doesn’t matter what style suits them, as long as their clothes are well-cleaned and ironed. Wearing a bit of cologne also improves a man’s overall appeal and helps women remember them better.
You don’t have to be perfect and possess every desirable attribute, but highlighting your good features will help you make a good first impression.