How We Can Make the Most Out of Our Love Languages
If anything can be simple and complex at the same time, it’s love. Everybody understands it as a concept, but fewer are adept at navigating its more specific sections. The giving and receiving of love, despite the now-general knowledge of love languages, can still be particularly confusing for many.
In this day and age, most of us have a pretty good grasp as to what a love language is. By definition, these are the specific ways people show and expect to be shown love. Whether we prefer words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, gift-giving, or physical touch, most are aware of their specific preference.
But is everyone making the most out of it?
Some undoubtedly are. Yet, for many people, there are still ways to go before they can say with certainty that they live each day showing their absolute best in love for their loved ones. If that struck a chord, then maybe the following tips will be worth looking into and trying out:
Observation and Communication are Essential for Learning
To show or give love the best, the way to do that is to first learn what your loved ones want. We’re all different and we’ll all need different things from one another, after all. To know what love language you have to work with, the best way of learning is by observing. If that fails, communicating.
Observe how your partner shows you love. There are bound to be patterns that you will notice during your day-to-day interactions. If your partner seems to favor spending a lot of time with you, then you’ve got your answer. Also take note that what your loved ones complain about can also be an indicator of a love language that isn’t being fulfilled.
Do Not Ignore Secondary Love Languages
We all have a primary love language, but most are ignorant of the fact that we actually have secondary love languages, too. While these often take a backseat, knowing what secondaries you are faced with concerning your loved ones make it easier for you to please and satisfy them.
You may have physical touch as a primary, but you may also notice that you enjoy providing acts of service to show how much you love others. The latter is your secondary, which can help others please you better. It is through the combination of these that people can begin to nourish relationships.
Give According to Others’ Love Language, Not Your Own
So, now you know the importance of learning other people’s love languages while not neglecting any secondaries. To put everything together, the final tip will be to put your knowledge into action according to how your loved ones will appreciate it best. That means acting on their love language, not yours.
While we often show love according to what comes most naturally to us, the best results come from feeding the love language of those we seek to please. If you lean towards acts of service and quality time, providing words of affirmation for your partner who has that as a love language more often will work wonders.
Love is something society puts at the forefront of almost everything, but it is a sad reality that not everyone knows how to make the most out of it. With a renewed focus on our love languages, living in love every day no longer has to be a challenge. In fact, it can be as easy as breathing. Just as love is meant to be.