The Choice Between a Romantic or a Platonic Relationship
It’s a tale as old as time itself: Person A meets Person B. Sparks fly at once.
At that moment, someone makes a decision to pursue the other person as a prospective partner. Common as that may be, it doesn’t have to be that way. There is, in fact, an equally viable alternative that isn’t always popular: pursuing a platonic relationship instead.
Now, if there is attraction from the get-go, then why would anyone settle for friendship when romance is already in the cards? To answer that question, let’s dive into both options and see what’s in store for those who choose either side.
The Choice of Romance
Few people need reminding as to why we place so much value in romantic relationships. Everybody wants to feel loved. Having someone to give our love to can feel even better. The moment any of us meet someone who can catch our eye, let alone our hearts, is often good as gold for most.
Yet, it isn’t quite the full romantic experience if we focus solely on the good side. It is still a widely-known fact that modern relationships have become quite complex. Go beyond the dating stage and there are even more sobering facts about marriage. The top one being that roughly half of all marriages nowadays end in divorce.
Then, there’s the truth about those sparks that fly when cupid’s arrow finds its mark: chemistry is often deceptive. Elvis once sang that fools rush in and it isn’t the wisest move for anyone to jump right into a brand new romance from the off-set of meeting someone.
The Choice of Friendship
Comparing the choice of romance to the choice of friendship essentially compares passion to stability. The former is exciting, unpredictable, and prone to fizzling out or burning those who choose it. The latter, on the other hand, is constant, enduring, and far more sustainable in the long run.
Those who neglect friendship in favor of romance want more than just safe stability. Even with how difficult relationships can be to navigate, those looking for grander and more intense feelings will not be satisfied until they either get what they’re looking for, or the hardships of love smacks them right in the face, bringing them back to reality.
It’s been said that slow and steady wins the race, but there’s no competition in friendship. To have it means you’ve already won. After all, only good things can come out of those with the wisdom to befriend someone before making the possible choice to take things further, if it even goes that far at all.
For all their differences, love and friendship also have enough similarities to be rightfully called two sides of the same coin. Entering into either one means knowing you deserve the bare minimum of respect, affection, and safety.
Whether one goes for the thrill of romantic love or the soothing comfort of a platonic relationship, the choice ultimately depends on what that person’s present priorities are, combined with what goals he or she may have for the future.
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