The Way Out of Post-Break Up Insanity

Zarita Andrada
3 min readMar 8, 2024
A woman in a post-break up moment
Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

“If you look closely, you can actually pinpoint the exact moment his heart breaks in two.”

It’s a classic Simpsons quote, but it hits close to home for those who have just been broken up with. What happens after that doesn’t take much guesswork. We all know just how bad people can act up. Though few refer to it as such, post-break up insanity is real and many of us can relate to it all too well.

Fortunately for those being put through the wringer right now, there are ways out of that haze. Spare yourself a brief moment of lucidity and take a look at the following:

Allow Just Enough of the Insanity

No, you didn’t just fall through a portal into bizarro world. Insanity isn’t a good thing and never will be. With that said, there’s no use fighting it completely once it has you in its clutches. The key word there being ‘completely.’

If the end of your relationship has left you reeling and mangled, then you owe it to yourself to admit as much. Let the insanity flow: cry your eyes out until they’re raw. Take a few days off from work if you have to. Go on that spontaneous and unnecessarily expensive solo trip.

But keep a close eye on how much insanity you are allowing. Balance is still important. Resist too much and you risk being overwhelmed by its sheer force later. Resist too little and things might just get embarrassing (and damaging) for you.

Find Someone You Can Trust

This can be your best friend. A family member. Or even just that level-headed coworker you vent a bit too much to. Whoever you pick, the most important quality this person (or even group of people) must have is trustworthiness.

Not just with what juicy details of your life you’re bound to share, but in terms of reeling you back in when the insanity you just allowed starts to become overwhelming.

This person is not just someone you can talk to, but he or she must be willing to get his or her hands dirty when necessary. To dive into the ditch you have just dug and proceeded to enter into. It’s a thankless job (for the person), but you’ll thank yourself later for the foresight of approaching him or her.

Know When to Jump Into the Light

As morbid as that heading sounds, we’re not actually going in that direction. The light referred to here is sanity. Normalcy. The new normal of your post-break up life. While you’re still stuck in the haze of pain your ex left you in, it’ll be tough to spot these rare beams.

Still, they come. They come more frequently than most think. With all the madness going on, most don’t jump at the chance to enter into the light. Or, some jump too soon only to find that it’s too bright, and they end up jumping back into that thick haze.

The key here is balance once more. With your trusted friend(s) from before looking out for you, you’ll get your opportunities to merge with this light of normalcy. Speaking realistically, this can come in the form of new life opportunities, hobbies waiting to be explored, or even new people you can meet.

There’s a lot that can go wrong with post-break up insanity in full effect. People act out in so many ways, but there is a way out. Sooner or later, everybody gets back on their feet and enters the light, where everything is safe, sound, and sane.



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