Here’s Why You’re Single and What You Should Do About It

Loneliness kills, according to science.

Zarita Andrada
4 min readJul 10, 2023
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

A research article states that if you are too lonely, your brain is not just open to many depressive symptoms, but it is also at risk of cognitive and physical decline.

“A three-year Dutch study followed more than 2,000 participants aged 65 to 86. While none of the participants had signs of dementia at the outset of the study, results revealed that those who reported feeling lonely had a 64 percent increase in the risk of developing dementia.”

Unfortunately, America has almost fifty million single men, which is about half of the country’s population. While most of them are younger than 65, the fact remains that all of them are single and lonely.

The reality is that not everyone is fortunate to find love and then settle down.

Dating is becoming more and more difficult.

According to surveys, most of the American adults that are trying to be active in the dating scene say that it’s more difficult now than it was back then. Here are some of the factors that are making dating more challenging:

  • Higher Standards in Physical Attractiveness.

In this era, being pretty matters in dating. Since online dating is all about photos (especially selfies), women are quick to judge a person simply by their profile photos. If they don’t find the guy in the photo attractive, they’ll most probably skip him and move on to the next profile.

It’s sadly a fact that if a man is not good-looking, short, and also balding, American women will most likely reject him. Women have raised their standards considerably, partly due to pop culture and the rise of feminism in America.

  • Unrealistic expectations

Oftentimes, however, their standards aren’t very realistic. It’s normal to have a type but don’t expect to immediately meet a man who is not only attractive but somehow also very rich, young and incredibly loyal to a fault.

Those types of men exist mostly in the fictional world. But some women like to project this standard into the real world and it hurts real men because not all of them are fortunate enough to be born with a pretty face. This decreases their chances at getting a date and it’s not even their fault.

  • Inability to keep up with what’s modern

The dating scene today isn’t the same as it was decades ago. These days, it’s normal to find a date online as it is finding a date in a café. The downside to something so easy and instant as online dating is if you’re not up to it, you have a very high chance of failure.

Internet dating is, in some ways, an online version of speed-dating. A man virtually meets a girl, they talk for a bit, find out each other’s interests, then move on if they don’t click.

But that isn’t something an older man is looking for. It’s a little difficult trying to find a like-minded woman using dating apps since most of them are there for flings and one night stands. Older and traditional men that are looking to marry have difficulty with whatever’s modern because of this.

Solving the loneliness problem.

Suddenly becoming not lonely is easier said than done. Loneliness generates depressive thoughts and once you’re there, it’s a little difficult to get out of it. Self-care goes a long way and you won’t be able to do much if you don’t try to fix yourself first.

Still, fixing yourself tends to get easier with someone right there helping you out.

So if you’re part of the millions that are lonely and want to stop being single right away, you should know that there is indeed a solution.

No one ever said that you only have to look for love in your country. In fact, there was a Pew Research report saying that when miscegenation laws were overturned in the United States, 3% of all newlyweds were married to someone of a different race or ethnicity. And the percentage only increased as the years went by. By the time it was 2015, the percentage had risen to 17%.

The bottom line here is that if you’re having trouble finding a wife in your country, you’ll have an easier chance overseas.



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