Shoot Your Shot at International Love
Much like everything else, the dating landscape has constantly evolved throughout history.
In her book, Labor of Love: The Invention of Dating, professor and author Moira Weigel writes that the term “date” first emerged in a now-defunct Chicago Record column in 1896. The column, written by George Ade, talked about “working class lives.” Ade wrote about a clerk named Artie — a man who was losing his girlfriend’s interest as she started seeing other men. When Artie confronted her, he said this:
I s’pose the other boy’s fillin’ all my dates?
In the context of that tale, “dates” meant the dates in the calendar.
Fast forward to today, and dates no longer hold that meaning.
Another change? People also have more options nowadays as they aren’t limited to their local dating pools anymore. The world is your oyster, people! Why settle for something mediocre at home when there are more options outside of your geographical box?
International dating has increasingly become popular over the years. Whether online or offline, more and more people have expanded their romantic borders. The rise of online dating has made this much easier. Why? Technology has made communication a non-issue. Now, if only something can be done about those annoying time zones. . .
In all seriousness, dating outside of your geographical borders is something worth pursuing. If you’re hesitant to shoot your shot, let this story convince you.
Finding Love in Costa Rica
The couple pictured above is Ty and Helen, who met each other in Costa Rica.
Before they crossed paths, Ty was talking to another girl — even writing letters to her! Things didn’t work out with that woman, which led to him meeting Helen at a social event.
In Ty’s words, he and Helen just hit it off. When asked what attracted her to him, this was his response:
Her personality, her beauty. . . She’s just a great girl. There’s not too many girls that would play paintball!
As for Helen, here’s why Ty was on her radar:
Well, to be honest, when we’re at the social, right? I felt that energy from him in that moment. And then, when we began to talk, I liked his personality, his own way of thinking. He’s a very special guy!
How to Give International Love a Shot
Has Ty and Helen’s story inspired you? Write your international love story by following these tips:
Never underestimate the power of communication
There’s a reason every relationship expert emphasizes the need for proper communication. In cross-cultural relationships, this becomes all the more important — especially if your match’s first language isn’t English.
Language and cultural barriers may cause trouble in paradise. If you have something to say, channel your thoughts directly. Listen and be receptive to the other person’s feedback for better understanding.
Make necessary sacrifices
Cross-cultural relationships aren’t without sacrifices. For some couples, it’s the geography conundrum. Which of you should pack your bags and move to another country?
Another issue: how will you and your partner merge your circles? Not everyone’s going to be happy about being added to the fold.
Laugh things off when you can
Awkward moments and other bloopers are inevitable. As unpleasant as they are, you can joke about them (when appropriate). Laughing together makes life a little less stressful.
What are you waiting for? Take the plunge and try your luck at international love! Cupid and his bows may be waiting for you on a different side of the world.
Are you interested in trying your hand at international love? Begin by clicking on the link in my bio. Registration is free.