Understated Signs of Genuine Interest to Watch Out For

Zarita Andrada
3 min readJun 18, 2024
A woman with a smile and a look of genuine interest
Photo By: Md. Golam Murshed on Unsplash

When we like someone, our first instinct is to wonder if he or she likes us back.

It’s a nagging question that can drive even the most sensible people mad. Then, when someone gathers enough courage to ask out the other, there’s relief. Of course he/she likes me back, you might say. We’re dating now, aren’t we?

Well, far be it for me to be the party pooper here, but going on dates with someone is far from a guarantee. Most of us know that from experience. Even as we hold hands with that special someone, or lock lips with them after a wonderful night together, many of us can’t help but wonder: is this real?

The answer could be yes, or it could be no. Fortunately, signs of genuine interest can be easy to spot if you only know what to look for. Put that ruminating mind of yours to rest as you rummage through this list:

Inconsistent but Still-Notable Eye Contact

Many would say to watch out for how a person looks at you. They’re not wrong, but one underrated sign to look out for is when a person often goes out of their way to not look you in the eye. They might keep their head down or face another direction, which makes you think that’s that.

However, it can be a massive misdirection.

The moment they think you’re not looking is when their own eyes reveal all. If you catch a glimpse of this look, then you’ll know it for what it is right then and there. It’s got an intensity to it, coupled with a lot of shyness, uncertainty, and that unmistakable display of clear interest.

Notable Mirroring of Interests

People who have things in common are often drawn to one another, that much is universally known. When someone has genuine interest in you, they’ll be sure to let you know how very similar the two of you are.

It may not be verbally expressed, but soon you’ll see similar postings on social media. Your favorite song that’s coincidentally their favorite song too is what they start humming when you’re nearby.

Whether these interests have always been common, or if they’re trying to adopt your interests in an attempt to better connect with you, is unknowable. What’s clear here is that now you’ve got commonalities that can serve as talking points and building blocks to their desired connection.

The Shrinking or Growing of Their Personalities

Some people are loud and proud, just as some prefer to keep quiet and remain on the sidelines. Then, there are times when someone normally loud starts keeping quiet. Or, the wallflower suddenly finds his or her voice. The common denominator for these uncharacteristic displays? Your presence.

Before you start thinking of this as the person already changing or losing themselves in a bid to be with you, know that there are other — perfectly reasonable and healthy — reasons why these personality shifts happen.

The confident extrovert may feel uncharacteristically nervous because of how much they like you. Conversely, the shy introvert’s feelings for you may embolden them because you being nearby and watching gives them that unusual spark of social courage and energy.

Genuine interest shown by others isn’t always easy to fake. If you’re on the fence about whether someone likes you or not, chances are there will be signs. If you know what to look out for, then answering that nagging question in your head becomes as easy as breathing.



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