Why Cringey Couples May Be Onto Something
Every time we see a couple acting affectionately in front of us, we always have this urge to roll our eyes and scoff.
It’s not that there’s anything bad with being affectionate. It’s perfectly normal for a couple to show affection — as long as it isn’t done in public, or is not overtly attention grabbing.
But if we’re talking about a couple that’s barely a month into their relationship yet have zero concept of personal space, you’d probably see a few raised eyebrows.
The second hand embarrassment is real. It hit innocent bystanders just about as hard as Will Smith slapped Chris Rock.
There’s a good reason why we, as a society, look down on these new couples. Studies have shown that couples who are overly-affectionate in the beginning are more likely to split up quicker.
Of course, outliers exist. There are some who manage to go against the mold by being consistent with their affection even after many years.
And their secret? They try to prolong the honeymoon phase as long as they can. They do this by habitualizing and normalizing their affection, such as by using pet names
As a matter of fact, studies have found that about 87% of Americans who use pet names are 16% happier in their relationship than those who don’t.
Even baby talking helps couples keep their relationship interesting. Baby talk is talking in a way you would talk to a small child or infant. Behavioral scientist Clarissa Silva agrees that couples who baby talk are effective at keeping the intimacy between couples alive.
Of course, just because you’re this cringe-worthy doesn’t mean it will always work out.
There are couples who do affection like an Olympic sport — fiercely and publicly . Then there are those who do it only around the people that they know and trust. It’s usually the latter whose relationship lasts longer.
They don’t bombard each other with affection, yet are comparatively much more affectionate than most other couples. That’s just how their relationship functions. It is their preferred outlet for their feelings for each other.
Some people treat their affection as a badge of honor. They have found love and want to proclaim it to the world. And these couples are unabashed in their willingness to show that they have a good thing going.
Regardless, one needs to observe proper etiquette when in public. You both have to be onboard with your PDA. If not, you risk embarrassing your partner, who is only going along to please you.
At the least, be aware of where you are and the environment you are in.
And while you can show PDA, reserve your very best for when you have privacy. You and your partner can be as mushy as you want to be in private. Call them munchkin, say “I wuv you,” play around with cookie dough like children — do whatever things you both enjoy in the name of romance.
So what if you’re corny? It’s love, isn’t it?